POSTPONED: Mandela Week and the Mandela family visit



News Story

A message from our Chair, Sonia Bassey, MBE:

Following recent advice and direction by Government regarding Covid-19 that large gatherings should not take place and recent school, university and public venue closures, we have taken the decision to postpone Mandela Week and the Mandela family visit.

In agreement with Dr Maki and Tukwini Mandela and our partners and sponsors we will be organizing the visit to take place during July 2021, government guidelines permitting.

All our efforts at this time should be directed at our vulnerable and elderly in society and our health and emergency services.

Our programme for the visit included all schools across the Liverpool City Region, a range of public events across Cheshire and Merseyside and two major celebration events so understandably these cannot take place at this time.

Dr Maki and Tukwini Mandela said: “We are sorry we cannot be with you in July this year. It is important that we take all our Governments advice seriously and stay safe. We look forward to being with you all next year in Liverpool and you have a heartfelt and sincerest best wishes for you and your families during this difficult time”.

Your health and wellbeing remain our greatest priority and Mandela8 are currently revising a range of activities we are committed to so that people can still take part via social media or digital solutions. These include our Roots and Wings Young Leaders Programme and our National Heritage Lottery Fund Memorial and Legacy Programme.

We would like to thank you, our sponsors and funders for your ongoing support and want you to stay safe and look out for each other.